SHAMA, Inc. A nonprofit 501(c)3 organization
Jagdish Chander
2460 Crescent Court, Plover WI 54467  (715) 341-1538
Shama Sign 

Annual Report 2004 - 2005

Most of the projects we support in India are handled through the SPRJ Kanyashala Trust. We send them a check twice a year with a letter designating how much of the money should be used for each project. Email allows us regular communication with the administrators of the Trust, giving us regular input toward the expenditure of these monies and administration of the programs. The teachers from SPN Doshi volunteer the time spent on SHAMA's projects. A part-time office worker assists them, due to the growth in the scope of SHAMA's work.

Jyoti Chander (of Plover, WI) and Pat Reckrey (of Scandinavia, WI) surveyed the Trust's work in 2005; they were extremely moved and impressed. This  visit was at their own expense. Their activities in India included the following:

  • Visited the school at Ghat Kopar in Mumbai, where they held a meeting with the trustees, faculty and Principal of the college, and the faculty and Headmistress of the elementary school. They discussed the present and future of SHAMA, Inc. work.

  • Looked at the account books kept there. They have copies of these accounts to be examined by anyone who wishes.

  • Met with the college scholarship recipients and listened to their personal stories. One student told how SHAMA helped her cure from TB and gave her a scholarship; she says she owes her life to SHAMA, Inc.

  • Met with the children they personally sponsor through ShamaKids and with other sponsored children at the school in Mumbai.

Click on thumbnails for larger views.

Pat and Jyoti and books
Pat and Jyoti examining
SPRJ Kanyashala Trust
financial record books

Student who had TB telling her story
Student who had TB
telling her story

Jyoti with her sponsored child
Jyoti with her
sponsored child

School officials and Pat R with other sponsored girls
School officials, Pat R.
with other sponsored girls

computer lab
Computer lab

  • Inspected conditions of the homes/places of business of sex workers and encouraged them to leave this profession and learn a healthier trade. SHAMA, Inc.'s goals include programs to help prevent STDs and AIDS and to develop home industry (See About SHAMA)

  • Visited Mhaskal village and held meetings with Tribal and village women. They discussed the possibility of starting a sewing school, but they learned that a building was needed in which to hold it.

  • Pat pledged a room for a woman goat herder who lived in a shelter with the goats. This woman offered the use of the room for the sewing school, but another was found.

  • Heera had received a loan last year, and this year she proudly repaid it.

  • During a second visit to Mhaskal village, the new sewing school (The SHAMA Rural Training Center) was inaugurated during a ceremony of ribbon cutting and coconut breaking.

  • Last year's meeting with the Mhaskal villagers revealed their need for toilets for women. This year five toilets for them were almost complete, with two pits, one for making fertilizer and one for disposal. Jyoti Chander, as representative of SHAMA, Inc., was the catalyst for this advancement, although the work and funding came from other sources.

Click on thumbnails for larger views.

Sex worker's place of business
Sex worker's place
of business
Pat R on Mhaskal village street
Pat R on Mhaskal village street
Meeting of village women, 2005
Meeting of village women, 2005
Mhaskal school children reading with monitor
Mhaskal school
children reading
with monitor
Eating lunch provided by SHAMA, Inc. and SPRJ Kayashala Trust
Eating lunches funded by SHAMA, Inc. and Kanyashala Trust

Level school ground on which to play, requested by girl last year
Level school ground on which to play, requested by girl last year

Heera's current home, to be replaced by Pat
Heera's current home, to be replaced
Women's toilet, result of last year's village meeting
Women's toilet, result of last year's village meeting
Demonstrating sewing machine use at school opening
Demonstrating sewing machine use at school opening
Sewing student
Sewing student
  • Traveled to Pavagada Karnataka to visit the Rural Health Care Hospital, a four and a half hour drive from Bangladore. During their 5-day stay, they were present when 30 poor villagers had lens transplants on their eyes. These transplants were free to them, and the people will be able to see again. Jyoti and Pat assisted in feeding patients while there and were able to witness the doctors volunteering their time in the operating theater.

Click on thumbnails for larger views.

Patients wait for eye exam
Patients wait for eye exam
In hospital beds
In hospital beds
Serving patient a meal the night before surgery
Serving patient a meal the night before surgery
Performing eye surgery
Performing eye surgery
Patient leaving hospital after surgery
Patient leaving hospital after surgery

Projects in India Supported by SHAMA, Inc.

This link provides a list of projects supported by SHAMA, Inc. through the SPRJ Kanyashala Trust. We continue our support for the Gaddi Women's Self-Help Society, which is a separate entity working in small mountain villages in the Himalayan state of Himachal Pradesh in northern India, and the Rural Health Project in southern India. This year we donated money for Tsunami Relief.

SHAMA, Inc. continues to be inspired for additional future programs and projects to assist women and children in India.

In Wisconsin

Much work is done in Wisconsin to raise money for women and children in India, to foster an appreciation and understanding of India's culture, and to serve Wisconsinites in various capacities.

If you would like to volunteer your help for any of these projects, please contact Jyoti Chander at (715) 341-1538 or .

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